Do you need to control income-/salaryinformation?

Or other information linked to eg KYC / AML? We have created services that can help you. It doesn’t matter if you need the information through an API, as a technical publication or presented on line, we have the solution. If it is statistics or something else you are looking for, we will solve it to!

Get information through API

We coffer high quality APIs with support for JSON and XML in a modern environment with very high availability. Information that you can retrieve is everything from validation and retrieval of names and address information to complete credit controls and documents.
Read more about API connections

Database delivery or technical publications

We have enormous experience of handling large data volumes. The information can be delivered on file via SFTP or as a technical publication ,if so required by law, such as a complete digital record of the entire Swedish population yearly income and tax.

Online services

We offer various online web services, including “Svensk Faktakontroll”, which is a comprehensive tool that provides a quick and grafic overview. The objects show next to each other to give you a clear and extensive view of a person or company. Three years income history, remarks, relations, corporate engagement is just some the information that’s displayed.

Read more about Online services

Is your need not covered?

Get in touch and we will help you!

Delivering the data you need in your own way is our goal and we are used to tailoring and adapting the solutions to suit our customers’ needs.

It can be anything from data to articles, statistical data with a long history and target group monitoring to postage optimization, activity pings or manual background checks.

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